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Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery


Diary Dates

May 2024

01.05.2024 - Y2 trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

01.05.2024 - Tennis Coaching for Rec, Y1 and Y3

03.05.2024 - Y4 Girls Football Competition Gosforth Fields

06.05.2024 - MAY DAY

09.05.2024 - Virtual Well Being lesson for Y5 and Y6 (pm)

10.05.2024 - Y4 Mini Tennis Festival at Graves (am)

10.05.2024 - Y5 Mini Tennis Festival at Graves (pm)

13.05.2024 - Y6 SATS WEEK

20.05.2024 - Y6 Activity Week 

21.05.2024 - PTFA Meeting in school 2pm all welcome

22.05.2024 - Y6 Boys & Girls Cricket Competition at Hundall CC

24.05.2024 - Day of Action - Please contact school if you are able help

24.05.2024 - End of Half Term


June 2024

03.06.2024 - INSET DAY

04.06.2024 - Children return to school

06.06.2024 - PTFA Sponsored Run

07.06.2024 - x 10 from Y2 & Y4 and Y6 Quad Kids at Tupton Hall 9.30am - 2.30pm

10.06.2024 - SPORTS WEEK (including sports day)

11.06.2024 - Sports Day (Y1-6) am 

12.06.2024 - Sports Day (Nur - Rec) am

12.06.2024 - Tempest Y6 photos for autograph leavers books

14.06.2024 - Y6 English & Maths Transition Lessons at DHFS 10.30am-12.30pm

14.06.2024 - Start of the Euros 

17.06.2024 - First Aid Day 10.30am assembly for all, Y6 first aid training (pm)

18.06.2024 - Nursery Open Morning 10.30-11.30am

20.06.2024 - DHFS House Team Visit to Y6

21.06.2024 - Y4 Boys Football Final at Staveley

21.06.2024 - Nursery & Reception trip to Tropical Butterfly House

26.06.2024 - Y5 trip to Derby to play of perform with Halle Orchestra (pm)

July 2024

02.07.2024 - End of Year Production KS2 Civic Hall

03.07.2024 - End of Year Production KS2 Civic Hall

10.07.2024 - PTFA Summer Fair GorseFest 5-7pm

12.07.2024 - Y6 Leavers Assembly (11am) and Picnic Lunch (12-1pm) (everyone welcome)

15.07.2024 - TRANSITION WEEK (Mon - Thur)

16.07.2024 - Meet the Teacher 5.00pm FS and KS1, 5.30pm KS2

18.07.2024 - Last day for nursery children

19.07.2024 - Picnic lunch for children

19.07.2024 - Nursery will be closed

22.07.2024 - INSET DAY

23.07.2024 - INSET DAY

24.07.2024 - Official start to the summer holidays